We are using Slack

…we all need a safe space…

Children’s Osteopathic Forum on Slack

Osteopaths working with children can use our safe SLACK space to discuss tricky paediatric cases, ask questions and discuss issues relating to the osteopathic assessment and treatment of children.

We can share tips and thoughts regarding risk assessment, consent, infection control and screening, etc when seeing children and families and ask for local colleagues to refer patients.

Members can participate within a space of fairness, trust, authenticity that all promote connectedness and safely challenge differences.

We would love to have you be part of our Clinical Interest Group whose home is on SLACK

To join the SLACK discussion and resource community, please fill in this contact form with your name, email and GOsC Registration number and we will send you an email invite if you are a UK Registered osteopath, fill in this form if you are a UK Student osteopath and this form if you are non UK based

We look forward to having you join the community

The information on this form will not be shared with any other organisation and is purely for the purpose of applying inclusion criteria (GOsC current registration) for the forum.

By filling in the form, you consent to being sent an email with an invitation to use the Slack discussion forum

Slack is an online platform workspace that is free for us to use. It uses different ‘channels’ that we can use to discuss different topics with each other. It has a secure, enterprise-grade environment with organised conversations and a searchable history

In Slack, members can send messages and share files in the various threads / ‘conversations’ we have set up. We can create new channels as needed if some discussions need their own space.